

RENATO LEOTTA (Torino, 1982)

Io, sono nato qui.

Ospedale Sant’Anna, corso Spezia (Circoscrizione 8)

?? Artista di rilievo della nuova generazione, Renato Leotta ha esposto in musei come il Castello di Rivoli e in rassegne internazionali come Manifesta 12, 2018 e la 17° Biennale di Istanbul, 2022.
A partire dall’immediatezza di un dato biografico (Leotta è nato all’ospedale Sant’Anna), con questa frase l’artista chiama in causa l’essere come particella, principio dell’esistere che si rinnova a ogni nascita, coniugando unicità e universalità, singolarità e pluralità.
L’opera ha il carattere di una poesia ermetica. È una luce viva e sensibile ai cambiamenti di energia che governano i sentimenti e la vita di chiunque, a partire dall’artista stesso, che sceglie di condividere i propri stati d’animo con chi passa, in un dialogo ideale, modificando da remoto l’emissione luminosa.

Realizzata nell’ambito del progetto “Bambini” di Cultura Italiae.


??A key artist from more recent times, Renato Leotta has exhibited in museums such as the Castello di Rivoli and at international events including Manifesta 12, 2018 and the 17th Istanbul Biennale, 2022.

Starting from his own personal story (Leotta was born in the Sant’Anna hospital), with this title the artist calls into play humans as particles, the beginning of existence that is renewed at each birth, joining uniqueness and universality, singularity and plurality.

The work, therefore, should be understood as a hermetic poem, a light that can be adjusted through feelings. “I,” intended philosophically as the principle of subjectivity and activities of thinking, is separated, by adding a comma, from the earthly subject of identity. “I” = “thinking.” The uniqueness of each existence is mirrored in the behavior of light, whose intensity varies in relation to the activities and states of mind of a single individual (the artist, in this case).

The work is alive and humoral, sensitive to the emotions of Renato Leotta. The intensity of the light, depends on the feelings he chooses to share, adjusting the emission of light from a distance. Every evening, just as the moon always shines differently upon nature, Leotta gives to the statement “I, am born here” ever-new emotional nuances he shares depending on what he feels at that moment.

Made as part of the “Bambini” project of Cultura Italiae.

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